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How To Improve Your Google Ad Conversion Rate

Marketing Agency Network Blog
November 3, 2022

How To Improve Your Google Ad Conversion Rate

Have you tried running a Google AdWord campaign? Maybe it didn’t work as expected. How would you like to improve your conversion rate using Google Ads? If so, you’ve found the perfect place. In this article, we will explain some of the key elements of a successful ad campaign and techniques that you can use to optimise your Google Ads and begin to increase your ad conversions. Here are five tips to help you improve your Google ad conversion rate:

1. Monitor Your Current Conversion Rate 

Before you can make any improvements to your conversion rate, the first step is to identify where you stand with your current rate and what factors are impacting it. This can be done by setting up conversion tracking in your Google ad account and monitoring the data on a consistent basis. You can also use free tools like Google analytics. This data includes: 

  • Click-Through Rates
  • Conversion Rates
  • Keywords
  • Cost Per Acquisition
  • Bounce Rate
  • Devices 
  • Hour & Date
  • Landing Page 
  • Load Time

Be sure to closely examine how users are interacting with your ads. This means, what hour of the day did you receive the most traffic? What devices seem to click on your ad the most? What age and gender are interacting most with your ad? This will give you insight into which factors have the highest rate of conversion and allow you to adjust your strategy accordingly. You can implement strategies like A/B testing which allow you to test different versions of your ad, and give you answers on what gets the highest click-through rates and conversions. Be sure to have relevant, fast loading and high-quality landing pages for each ad. This will have a huge difference when improving your conversion rate. By monitoring these key elements and making the required improvements, you can begin to effectively improve your Google Ad conversion rate.

2. Identify Areas For Improvement 

A successful Google Ad campaign is all about having a high conversion rate. How do you know that your conversion has room for improvement? Once you have tracked your current rate and efforts, begin to identify areas where there may be room for improvement. For example, you may have noticed that visitors who click your ads on desktops tend to have higher conversion rates than those who clicked them on mobile phones and tablets. This may be because your website isn’t probably optimised for all devices and users get frustrated when trying to browse your site. You can then work on optimising your mobile landing page or begin targeting users only on your desktop. 

Be sure you clearly understand audience signals and check if your campaigns are accurately targeting the right audience. Make sure you are implementing plenty of call-to-actions (CTAs) and be sure that you offer users a seamless shopping experience with easy navigation on all devices. Upon improving these areas, regularly monitor your ads performance and look out for any changes in results. By discovering what is working and what is not, you can easily adapt and make the necessary changes. When it comes to any marketing strategy, monitoring performance and making adjustments is key and the same goes with Google ad campaigns. It can separate successful campaigns from failed attempts. 

3. Test Different Ad Types 

An essential strategy in improving your Google ad conversion is experimenting with different ad formats and approaches. This is called A/B testing. This means you can test out new copy in your ads, keyword targeting, imagery and more. This is one of the most effective ways of improving your conversion rate, as it allows you to determine which efforts of yours are most effective and which areas need improvements. 

Be sure that your ads are engaging, persuasive and relevant to your audience. Test out different headline variations and CTAs. Make changes to the placement of your advertisements depending on certain factors and mix up the position of your ad on pages. By experimenting and testing out different variables you can decide on the most effective approach to convert your target audience. By improving your Google Ad conversion rate you can make some advancements towards maximising your Google ad ROI. 

4.  Optimise Your Landing Pages

When working towards improving your Google Ad conversion rate, one of the first steps you need to take is to ensure that your landing pages are optimised and working. There’s nothing worse than attracting traffic to an effective ad, spending money on clicks only to find out your landing page isn’t working as intended. Be sure that your landing pages are simple to navigate, have strong call-to-actions, are relevant to your ad and are visually appealing. All of these factors greatly impact your conversions and whether or not customers will return. In today’s digital world you must also be sure that your landing page is friendly for mobile users, as they can have a significant impact on your conversion rate. Optimising your landing pages is one of the simplest ways to see massive changes in your conversion rate and ultimately achieve your business goals. 

5. Optimise Keywords & Bidding

When it comes to Google Adwords keywords and bidding are key elements that cannot be overlooked. Monitor your performance and look out for the keywords that are performing the best. Be sure to implement keywords that are relevant to your target audience and include phrases with search intent. Test out various keyword combinations, match types and even some long-tail keywords. These will help you reach even more potential customers.  

Optimising and monitoring your bids is an essential part of a successful Google ad campaign. When you regularly adjust your bids you can ensure that your ads are being showcased to the right audience and delivering the highest number of relevant clicks. Overall, by continuously monitoring your performance, optimising your ads and adjusting  your bidding strategy you can begin to see some serious improvements in your Google ad conversion rate. 

Final Thoughts 

With these five effective tips, you can begin improving your Google PPC conversion rate and start seeing improvements in your ads campaigns. Whether it is your first time launching a PPC campaign or you would like to optimise an existing campaign, these five tips can help you get the most out of your budget and generate more leads and sales for your business. 

Author Bio:

Angel Martins is a longtime New York Writer and Marketing Executive, at the UK’s leading Digital Marketing Agency Finsbury Media. Finsbury Media offers a full range of digital marketing services, growing businesses across the UK and globally. Angel is passionate about all things Tech, Marketing, SEO, PPC, Web Design, Social Media and more. 

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