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Event Marketing Tips, Tricks & Insights

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March 19, 2021

Event Marketing Tips, Tricks & Insights

Event Marketing Tips, Tricks & Insights

Following the Covid-19 crisis, event management was one of the most needed things many organizations had to get familiar with in order to continue their business. University classes, concerts, seminars, workshops, movie projection, etc., were mainly held online during 2020, and that trend continues in 2021.

Whether online or in traditional form, organizing an event is not enough – you have to inform and attract the crowd.

Useful Things To Know About Event Marketing

Pre-Event Content

Adding the buzz about the following event is one of the main parts of event marketing. It doesn’t have to be a big thing – like giving away free T-Shirts, umbrellas, USBs, or similar commodities with the event information – videos and pictures can do just fine. Be creative, bold, and edgy to make people think about what’s to come.

Lecturer Informations

Great speakers attract wide masses. Make sure to include their images and short biographies on the speaker page. If you have a big name participating, always make it the first thing someone sees when looking for information about the event.


They may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there is no denying they work according to the statistics. Creating a pop-up boosts the conversion rate and makes sure the visitor is informed about the upcoming event.

Social Platforms Proof

It pretty much goes without saying, but social platforms are the central part of marketing today. If it’s not on social networks, it never happened. This part of the strategy has to be thoroughly planned – mention previous events, bring back the old memories, and make sure people know they will make new ones this time. Oh – and the #hashtag is a must!

Social networks

Blogging and Influencing

Every industry has names whom people look upon and whose words are carefully followed. The partnership is not just about the sponsors and helpers – try to get to the bloggers with influence who are not money motivated. People know they’re objective, and if you can persuade them into writing about your event, you’re at the wheel.

Don’t Forget The Non-Attenders

When it comes to pre-event marketing, everyone’s important. Even though some might not be invited or attend your event, they can still share and talk about the happening, which gives your event full viral potential.

Post-Event Marketing

A very small percentage of events is a one-time thing, and there is a big chance you will do it again, so do not miss this step. After the event is over, gathering feedback is not only important in terms of improvement but also marketing – you want people to remember they had a good time as long as possible, so they look forward to the next big thing under your organization.


We live in a story, and we’re telling the stories. Do your best to present your company’s story – before, during, and after the happening – in the most creative, engaging, and attractive way. Ask people to become a part of your tale, and you will create something truly captivating.

MAN features only the best event marketing agencies in the US. In case you’re looking for such an agency, feel free to check out the following list:

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