Company Details

Founded Employees Avg Hourly Rate
2010 2 - 9 $1 - $24

Company Profile

Gulf Infotech was founded in 2009. In order to tap the huge potential in Oman and GCC. They saw a huge gap of basic products available for organizations and cloud service providers to effectively manage their daily work. We focus on Google Apps and creating sustainable value to business and organization. Gulf Infotech is a Google Enterprise partner for MENA region and pioneer cloud solution provider in Middle East since 2009.
Gulf Infotech has invested in a product development company CloudCodes headquartered in India, the company develops cloud based products for Google Apps and strongly believes in building the ecosystem around Google Apps. Successfully added more than 125 + customers with in 3 years of operation and manage more than 25,000 users across Middle East

  • Employees: 2 – 9
  • Founded: 2009


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